
The architecture ships with a dedicated testing module, which supports unit testing the architecture. This testing module is in an experimental status, as it itself relies on experimental coroutine testing libraries at this point.

Presenter testing

For Presenter tests, you can use the PresenterTest base class, which will replace the IO dispatcher used in Presenters (backing withIOContext) with the test dispatcher, to make it execute anything scheduled on it immediately.

ViewModel testing

For ViewModel tests, you can use the ViewModelTest base class, which will replace the Main dispatcher used by the execute method with the test dispatcher, and also replace the internal LiveData executor with a mock executor that executes everything on a single thread, in a blocking manner.

The difficult part of testing ViewModels is having to observe their reactions to inputs through various LiveData-based mechanisms - both state changes and events work this way. To make this easy, the rainbow-cake-test library provides the observeStateAndEvents function that lets you assert changes to state, as well as any emitted events:

vm.observeStateAndEvents { stateObserver, eventsObserver ->
    stateObserver.assertObserved(Loading, ArticleLoaded())

See the extensions on the MockObserver class for the currently available assertions. Note that you can also add your own assertion extensions on this class, as needed.

If you also use queued events, you can use an overload of observeStateAndEvents which provides three observers in the lambda passed to it, the third one being an observer for the queued events.

All other tests

Testing other, lower level components such as Interactors or Data Sources should not require additional support from the architecture. You can use the experimental coroutines test library to wrap such tests in runBlockingTest calls.