Project setup

The Blank demo project (or its Koin variant) is a great way to start a fresh project built on RainbowCake. If you choose to use one of these, you can skip this page of the tutorial!

However, if you don’t wish to use the starter projects, here’s what you need to set up.

Screen one

You’ll need a ui package that will contain your various screens. Having this specific name is required by the screen template which is the recommended way of creating new screens. After installing the template, create your first screen by invoking New -> Other -> RainbowCake Screen on the ui package, and following the steps.

Alternatively, see the ui/blank package of the Blank project for the pieces of an empty screen setup.

Dependency injection

You’ll need the following three pieces of code in place for your basic DI setup with Dagger. These are usually placed in the di package.

For a Koin powered setup, see the Koin support page.

  • A module that binds at least one ViewModel. By convention, as long as there’s just one module containing ViewModels, it’s named ViewModelModule:

    abstract class ViewModelModule {
        abstract fun bindUserViewModel(userViewModel: UserViewModel): ViewModel
  • A component that contains this module as well as the RainbowCakeModule that comes from the library artifact. This component also needs to extend RainbowCakeComponent:

        modules = [
    interface AppComponent : RainbowCakeComponent
  • Finally, an Application class that extends RainbowCakeApplication. This will override the injector property with the type of the concrete Dagger component that will be used in the application, in this example, AppComponent. The setupInjector method also needs to be overridden appropriately - it should create and assign an instance of the component:

    class MyApplication : RainbowCakeApplication() {
        override lateinit var injector: AppComponent
        override fun setupInjector() {
            injector = DaggerAppComponent.create()

    Make sure you set this application up in your AndroidManifest.xml file as well, in your application tag’s name property.

If you use rainbowcake-navigation, make your Activity inherit from SimpleNavActivity, and load your initial Fragment like so:

class MainActivity : SimpleNavActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        if (savedInstanceState == null) {
